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Mensaje por pablo_33 8/14/2019, 2:42 pm


Este mensaje debería cambiarte la vida, esta en condicional porque como dice una sentencia de la comunicación “el mensaje esta en el receptor” es decir depende de ti, de la pasta con la que fuiste hecho. Se desea que con la mejor. Que te hará tomar la mejor decisión luego de saber todo esto.  Esto es como un test químico… Se te dará disertes pautas e informaciónes para que cómpredas lo complejo que debes comprender para lograr algo trascendental: tu salvación de infierno que nos quieren hacer entrar. 

Recuerdo que cuando era un Shaumbra, y pertenecía a la secta de internet del Circulo Carmesí, encubiertamente satánica, dirigida por Tobias “ser de 5 dimensión“ el insistía y decía con el concepto:  “SI LO CREES SE VOLVERÁ REAL” y se refería a creer en el contacto con ellos para ingresar en relación con la 5D. La llave de acceso era primero: ”creer”.

Corey Goode, quien supuestamente esta revelando mundialmente el PROGRAMA ESPACIAL SECRETO, dijo que allí conoció seres que pueden crear, mentalmente realidades alternas y atraparte en ellas, he recolectado una docena de casos donde personas interactúan con pasadizos que desaparecen, flores dorados que no se volvió a encontrar, túneles que no están mas en su lugar, igual con edificios enteros y hasta un castillo de oro como por el que camino Yogananda y lo estaba recreado su guru. Lo cual dice, Corey, hace que uno se pregunte: que es real?. Claro porque esta realidad es mas o menos real que esa otra realidad alterna.

Tanto el, como otros, para entrar en siniestro e inmoral PROGRAMA ESPACIAL SECRETO debieron dar el ok, creer, y esa locura inverosímil se volvió real, entonces ingreso al país de las maravillas de Alicia, por seguir ingenuamente conejos blancos. Como Neo, Doroti, Donnie Darko y tantos otros.

No sigan conejos blancos es el primer concejo, no te metas en su madriguera, no escuches a Trinity, para que ningún tornado te arrebate de tu realidad a una tierra loca y caótica donde no sabrás como escapar y donde apreciaras el orden actual de tu realidad. No creas en Extraterrestres de luz, cree en Jesús, el universo es mucho mas predador de lo que crees, y que fácil es para los cazadores atrapar ineptos por su gran ingenuidad, el pecado imperdonable. En realidad el pecado fue rechazar la luz y tomar la oscuridad. La pasta de cada uno manda pero también el hombre se puede adiestrar y preparar, objetivo de este mensaje.

Por esto es que cada vez mas se ve con mas frecuencia el icono del gris con el cartel “cree en ti” pues dicen estos falsos profetas: si crees en alguien exterior te desemponderas y pierdes tu poder. Ellos usan esta elegante mentira para atrapar almas para si. Pues la muerte de Jesús, obviamente, fue un pacto en esferas superiores “los que crean serán salvos” Jesús al morir, siendo inocente, gano potestad sobre el mal, su acción misericordiosa  generó tanta luz que le dio potestad sobre los demonios cazadores pues son oscuridad, aquello que crean, que lo amen, sigan y obedezcan, el los amara y enviara sus hazes de luz y ángeles protectores, sino ni soñar con sobrevivir en esta selva y con una salvación independiente. IMPOSIBLE. INFRANQUEABLE. IMPENSABLE. El celo del diablo para que no se salve nadie es infernal y no escatima recursos para su objetivo: Que no se salve nadie. Pero “atrevida es la ignorancia” dice la frase popular y ahí están los “nuevaeristas”  repitiendo “yo soy dios”, tratando de vibrar alto creyendo en ellos mismos y su uno lo quiere despertar salen despavoridos y lo tildan de hereje y retrasado pues sienten que uno le quiere romper el hechizo que el quieren entrar sin ver que solo, se esta metiendo en la boca del lobo.  Están encapsulados en una trampa muy bien pensada debemos reconocer, pero nada es imposible para Dios…

Hay un libro muy bueno llamado Universo Encantado que dice algo muy original y veras sobre la ufología y es que los ovnis son algo así como un fenómeno muy parecido al poltergueist, donde las victimas están sufriendo su propias caóticas creaciones mentales. El autor dice que uno al creer en ellos uno se pone en frecuencia para ver el Ovni “que esta ahí y no esta”, uno esta viendo entre dimensiones e hiso la apertura por creer y esperar ver.  MUY FACTIBLE.

Y SI COREY GOODE Y TODO UFOLOGO SON MAS BIEN INSTRUMENTOS LLAMADORES PARA QUE OTROS INCAUTOS CAIGAN EN EL PAÍS DE ALICIA? Por algo muy misterioso, donde se rompe su discurso, Corey rechaza que le practiquen hipnotismo para ver si sus experticias son reales o insertadas argumentando que es una terapia muy invasiva… mmmm!  Será la misma mente que lo pilotean que le inculcan esta actitud tan desacertada?

Un parapsicólogo chileno en el programa Así somos dijo sin ponerse colorado, que para que el famoso contacto el día 20 de julio profetizado por Chico Javier se de, uno debía dejar de creer en Dios para meterse en la realidad del contacto, asi como escuchan, es decir “apágate, oscurécete, pierde tu fe, que es tu luz, para que ellos, que son oscuridad, se pueden acercar a ti”. Insoportable el olor a azufre de este sujeto.

Por el 2005 participaba en un foro muy particular donde pasaban muchas cosas raras llamado Hermanos Mayores, una vez uno que los estaba boicoteando desde adentro me mando un mensaje privado diciéndome que los dueños del foro organizaban encuentro que degeneraban en orgias. Y una vez salió un sujeto diciendo “esto es serio quien ser raptado por naves extraterrestre para una misión en pocos días”  algo así, insistía que no era broma que solo debían postear indicando el “ok” es decir “creer”. Para un eventual rapto en pocos días. Lo cierto fue que a los pocos días cerro el sitio con la promesa que seria reabierto a la brevedad cosa que nunca paso hasta hoy. Si algún incauto fue arrebatado a la tierra del nuncajamás no lo sabemos. Pero hay un leyenda muy oscura que dice que las miles de personas que inexplicablemente desaparecen en el mundo con cifras alarmante son raptadas y abducidas por naves ET para adoctrinamiento, experimentos, para comer o para sacrificar a sus dioses. Esto lo revela el mismo Goode. El dice que por revelar demasiado sobre el tráfico humano de esclavos que avala y permite inmoralmente el Programa espacial secreto es seriamente amenazado. Psicología inversa? Para darle verosimilitud? Mientras por dentro dicen “bingo”?. Quizás.  

Comprenden el concepto de “llamador” de un trampero para pajaritos que los llama “catando” igualito a Corey, entra el ingenuo, ve la comida, pisa el palito y adentro, se cerro la compuerta. “Si crees lo veras” Ingreso al cubo. La trampa, la jaula, que lo rodeaba todo invisiblemente.  Por cierto miren todas están películas tan parecidas: Hellraiser, Cube, Cube zero, y otras mas donde personas por tomar un juego caen en una laberinto de trampas. En una escena de Hellaiser Exclama una victima “era solo un juego” el demonio Exclama “no, es un portal” podríamos agregar “tus pecados te atrajeron y te levaron a el”. Porque todo comienza por ahí, los pecados y el karma individual y colectivo, que si es muy denso puede hacer que inocente caigan con pecadores y sean raptados conjuntamente al infierno. Y a todo esto que decir de Carles Tora y su misterioso cubo en la Antártida con mensajes de Nimrod y mentiras con patas cortas…

El reino del diablo, es el reino de la muerte, cuando una materia se mete dentro de un venezolano en sus ceremonias satánicas dice el poseso “soy un muerto,” el espíritu de un desencarnado se metió en el cuerpo de un vivo, que le presta el cuerpo idiotamente drenándole la energía vital que necesita para vivir y realizar sus sueño involucionado de vivo a muerto. Se puede ser mas estúpido? Entremezcla la vida con la muerte. Y por ese karma colectivo tan oscuro y censurado por Dios en la biblia pagan buenos con pecadores y el país esta como esta. En el mundo pasa algo muy parecido con los Ufólogos, conspiranoicos, nuevaeristas open mind, y los profetas de los ángeles caídos: los extraterrestres, pues según Corey son descendiente de los dioses griegos, es decir la abominable desolación. Dioses paganos identificados en la biblia como demonios traidores, enemigos de la humanidad que nos quieren usurpar nuestro lugar dado por Dios en su palabra, Genesis 1:28, y estos pseudoprofetas, le abren la puerta a demonios para que toda la humanidad pague conjuntamente. Por idiota, como idiota es Neo, Doroti y Alicia que pisan todos los palitos que deben pisar y se tragan toda botella que dice “bébeme”. Y uno cae y accede a eso si cree en ello. Por escuchar a Trinity. Y caen al siniestro juego por creer en la oscuridad y rechazar la luz del único salvador: Jesús.  

Miren esto: Matrix, Dark City, El origen, El fin de la eternidad, Los agentes del destino, y otras son algunas ficciones donde el Espíritu santo parece que nos revela que si existiría algo muy parecido al Programa espacial secreto donde estarían en otro tiempo. Pues al terminar sus trabajos allí, son tele trasportados y regresan aquí el mismo día que parieron 20 años antes rejuvenecidos.

Y Ojo que no es solo Corey Goode el revelador si no muchos otros como: Marcelo Larin, Laura Eisenhower, nieta del presidente, Pablo Torres, Randy kramer, Narciso Genobese, Alfred Weber, y Andy Basiago. Candidato a presídete de Usa del 2020 que promete revelar todo con el serio problema que esto indica pues desde el lugar mas importante del mundo se le quiere abrir la puerta a estos demonios. La negación de los gobierno de hablar del tema ovni ha sido hasta ahora una bendición para la humanidad.

Un búlgaro tuvo una teofanía, estuvo en el cielo y vio algo que confirmaría lo que hoy por hoy esta diciendo el Cern, el vio que frente al trono de Dios estaba el cumplimiento de su palabra, la instalación su Reino en la Tierra, pero detrás del trono estaba el infinito, es decir todas las posibilidad, es decir los mundo paralelos que busca el Cern. Usted donde quiere estar? Delante o detrás del trono de Dios?  Todo depende de sus elecciones al leer esto. Ser o no ser, esa es la cuestión.

Los cassiopeos, seres canalizados por Laura knigth le aconsejaron una vez “No se pierden en la matrix”. Esto tiene olor a ironía pues ellos justamente se dedican a esto, atrapar y cazar incautos, desinformado. Y eso ocurre al dejar de Creer en Jesús. Pues dijo: “Yo soy la luz quien me siga no anduviera en tinieblas” y Yahve dijo “Solo yo soy Dios, fuera de mi no hay salación” gran verdad a las pruebas me remito.

Nadie sabe donde esta parado, jugando al chanchito ciego con seres interdimensionales sinestros. Solo Dios y Jesús, de amarlos, te protegerán. Recuerdan la escena de Neo con el celular ocultándose de Smit en la oficina? es así, solo que tu interlocutor esta jugando con vos para que caigas mas profundamente en sus garras. Para que caigas detrás del trono de Dios.      En la biblia dice que “el mundo amo mas la oscuridad que la luz” eso pasa hoy en este mundo pagano.  

Solo en la biblia esta al luz miren esto: Swaruu habla en contra de la nueva era, Tobias, aquella secta que pertenecí era 100% nueva era, pero Swaruu hace y dice punto por punto lo mismos que Tobias, siguen el mismo programa: Todo es relativo, No pague el karma, Jesús es puro humo, no debes en creer en nadie mas que en ti, vibra alto y estarás protegido, tu eres el dios responsable de tu mundo, el planeta va dar un salto cuántico, no existe el pecado, sea un caminante del mundos. Y en ambos se sobrentiende “Nosotros somos los mas cool el resto es idiotas”. Típico y clásico de toda secta para retenerte.

Ven? no solo comer de Jesús nos hace parte de El, sino de quien comamos se nos infiltra, por eso sus voluminoso discursos, Jesús lo hiso con breves evangelios, el diablo como siempre es el mono imitador de Dios. 

Me consta personalmente algo alarmante: TODA LA NUEVA ES POSESIÓN, se me quiso poseer en aquella secta un noche, pero también en las clases de metafísica, en un curso con un Sufi, y el espíritu me hiso comprender que esas posesiones se las muestran en diferentes materiales como un video de David Topi donde ingenuamente lo revela su amiga khole, lo muestra a la claras en un video de Osho donde hacen el “Ho - ho”, o cuando en Ciensiologia cuando por errores los hacen correr alrededor de una pileta por 6 horas, con el respiracionismo también llevando a la gente en un estado de agotamiento tal que por el debilitado del alma permite el ingreso del walkin. Esto también ocurren en la misas de sanación y sus caídas en descanso. Y en el mundo evangelista también se me hizo entender. “Espiritualidad” es la peor palabra del mundo. Son todos traidores de la humanidad, agentes parasitados por cazadores de almas.

La salida, el escape? La biblia con celo y exclusividad. Su impecabilidad, su integridad, su trasparente honestidad, no dejarse engañar ni en el mas mínimo punto, cero tolerancia con el relajamiento. Solo así llegaras al Jesús de la cúspide esquivando los falsos jesuses de la espiral hasta el legitimo.  

Mientras la humanidad despistada mas y más le abra la puerta a los ET, mas raptos horribles ocurrirán, para experimentos, canibalismo y sacrificios, luego preguntaran impertinentemente “ porque Dios permite esto?”, porque Esto es algo mucho pero que Sodoma y Gomorra a la enésima potencia: paganismo, aborto, homosexualidad, corrupción, drogas, porno.

Un consejo quiere escapar de un rapto? destruya esa posibilidad en su imaginación, haga el lado opuesto de lo en enseñado por Jean Garnier. Para que no le ocurra lo que no quiere destrúyalo.

Comprenda: su famoso “vibra alto” significa “pontee en frecuencia exacta con nosotros” ingresa por la cuerda correcta de la todas las cuerdas de la teoría de cuerda para que ingreses en nuestro mundo. Creer en el Dios bíblico es lo que te protegerá de eso. Esa algo mecánico. Y con la mas alta santidad pagamos una cuota extra del denso karma colectivo y esto impedirá la proliferación de sus abducciones indiscriminadamente.

Miren esto que ilustrativo: La esposa de Marcelo Larin le dijo “O yo o los extraterrestres” el dijo “los Et” y se separaron, pero ella ahora cada dia esta más cerca de el compartiendo sus videos y ayudándole, y ahora dicen que ella fue raptada por una nave. Una vez mas “Por creer se volvió real” hubiera sido mejor que se quedaría con su actitud anterior.

Recuerden que aca hay luz, oscuridad y falsa luz, todo esto es falsa luz, falsa salvación, el rostro bueno del esquizofrénico diabl pero que finalmente consta de una hermosa desembocadura al mismo infierno. 

Todas las conferencias del ser, de la nueva era, de ufología, son todos cazadores de almas, y todos están en lo mismo, en la competencia, cazando almas, cuando sus discursos son incompatibles. Y se saludan formalmente como Corey Goode con Carles Tora y si todos se validan todos se invalidan todos como chantas cazadores. Todos están buscando los mas débiles para inyectarle su walkin, este es el deporte del cosmos que juega con nosotros, se separan así, las diferentes familias satánicos, los “llamados no elegidos” de la humanidad, los llaman con luz, luego los deben atrapar con malas artes en sus redes. Siniestro, uno por uno, lo hacen o son engañadores o engañados pero en ninguno hay verdad. Pero el mundo los escucha porque son del mundo. Solo hay salvación en la biblia, el resto es falsa luz. Lobos con piel de oveja. Sino escuchan esto no tendrán escusa en el juicio.

Usted cree que esta leyendo un texto de un sujeto mas en internet pero esto es muy diferente y lo que usted haga luego de leer esto tendrá un poder de estadística sobre la humanidad asi que sea responsable y actué desde lo mejor de usted, mate su ego y déjese vencer por la verdad, nadie puede sobornar su conciencia, hay que ser muy responsable con la verdad si viene  a uno. Para indicarle al cielo que uno es digno de ella. De no ser así es el pecado imperdonable citado por Jesús “la blasfemia contra el espíritu santo” querer ser un descerebrado, enloquecer por voluntad propia. Elegir a Jesús es elegir salud mental, la luz, ver, la razón que es la presencia de Dios sobre la tierra.

Entonces pensemos, si ellos requieren una frecuencia y el diabl, es el mono imitador de Dios, Jesus es otra solo que la única donde hay salvación, entonces pontee en frecuencia con el Señor, tanto para que El venga a ti, como para que tu vayas a El, pues es 50 /50 “acércate que me acerco”.

Me dijeron un vez: “esta el hombre, esta la fantasía y mas alla esta Dios” indicándome la lejanía de Dios y la fe pura e inocente pero muy fuerte de un niño puro que hay que tener para entrar en contacto con Dios, no hay nada mas difícil que amar a Dios y hacerlo de la forma correcta es un algoritmo cada vez mas difícil, se debe superar herejes, ateos, satanistas, brujos, demonios, paganos, pero lo que es imposible para el hombre no lo es para Dios,

“Ora como si todo dependiera de Dios. Trabaja como si todo dependiera de ti.” Es esa la actitud correcta. Y al ver un ovni di “VADE RETRO SATANÁS SOY DE DIOS SOY INTOCABLE, Y JESÚS MI CANAL A DIOS VETE NO TE QUIERO EN MI  MUNDO”. Y como dice ese nipón “si el conocimiento es poder esto será tu súper poder” con Jesús todos somos superhombres porque nos metemos en su cuerpo místico y estamos protegido porque el es el único salvador, pero cuídate de los falsos Jesús  del mundo. Pues salvo Elías QUE VENDRIA hoy EL RESTO SON TRAMPA 100%, solo hay lobos con piel de oveja pero donde estas Elías? Este coas reivindica a Jesús porque lo dijo “al final puras trapas”  “harán mercancía de ustedes” “la gente no soportara la sana doctrina” “se amontonaran multitud de maestros que le aluden los oídos” “ muchos vendrán en mi nombre y engañar a muchos” etc etc. .

En la foto, esto será como un texto que te esta predicando, pero viendo la película es un test que atestigua como reacciona las personas al acceder a la verdad y tendrá un efecto directo que repercutirá en lo que hará el cielo sobre el resto de la humanidad según tu reacción. Por ende se suplica responsabilidad, si uno reacciona el cielo se apiadará mas y mas, pero si ni uno lo hace “Habrá mas piedad para Sodoma y Gomorra…”

Reacciona bien hermano, recuerda: Yo soy el buen pastor, su vida da por las ovejas.  Mas el asalariado, y que no es el pastor, de quien no son propias las ovejas, ve al lobo que viene, y deja las ovejas, y huye, y el lobo las arrebata, y esparce las ovejas.  Así que, el asalariado, huye, porque es asalariado, y no tiene cuidado de las ovejas. Yo soy el buen pastor; y conozco mis ovejas, y las mías me conocen. Como el Padre me conoce, y yo conozco al Padre; y pongo mi vida por las ovejas.  También tengo otras ovejas que no son de este redil; aquéllas también me conviene traer, y oirán mi voz; y habrá un rebaño, y un pastor.  Los míos no seguirán la voz de un extraño .

Donde quiere estar frente al trono de Dio o detrás?

Como se dijo “es mas fácil engañar una persona que demostrarle que fue engañado”, justamente esto lo dice mucho que creen estar despiertos porque salieron e la religión organizada y siguen swaruu por ejemplo, pero nada es imposible para Dios.

Como dice el titulo Corey Goode una trampa muy inteligente, pero lo peor es la intensión de Andrew Basiago otro informador del Programa espacial secreto que quiere ser presidente de Estados Unidos y desde el lugar mas importante de todos revelarlo todo. Haciendo que la humanidad entera entre indiscriminadamente a este sinestro juego.  (Similar problema esta con Marcelo Larin y su mistad con su presidente Bukele.) Sepan que El programa espacial secreto esta fuera de nuestro tiempo como en la 4 D, Basigo dijo que allá hace muchos años conoció o Obama y que ya se sabia que el seria presidente. supuestamente el anticristo que no fue, ahora parece que será el, Basiago, quien le abra las puertas al abismo de donde viene el anticristo a la tierra. Dios no lo quiera. Esto coincide con lo que acaba de revela Marcelo Larin que no será el Papa quien revele todo esto al mundo, sino que se hará desde el gobierno. Desde aca rechazamos esta posibilidad y pedimos explícitamente que no se postule para presidente pues su intensión destruirá el planeta llevándolo a las mismas puertas del infierno Hellraiser en vivo y directo para todos. La negativa de los gobiernos al tema Et, fue para bien. Su mutismo con el tema ovni fue un bendición y la voluntad de Dios a no dudar. OREMOS POR ESTO: NO BASIGO PRESIDENTE DE USA.

Donde quieres estar hermano? frente del trono de Dios o detrás. Orden o coas? Oremos contra por todo esto en la mas alta santidad. Pagando parte del karma mundial colectivo para cerrar estas puertas al infiero impidiendo esos sinestro raptos. Le pertenecemos a Dios y nos dio el paneta a nosotros ET GO HOME, en la palabra de Dios consta que el nos lo entrego a nosotros y que acá reinara Jesús y ese destino queremos para nosotros y para toda la  humanidad porque la voluntad de Dios es sin duda lo mejor. Nada de pacto con la confraternidad galáctica, le seremos la puerta esa siniestra y engañosa promesas. Preferimos la luz de Dios y Jesús. Hermano a trabajar por la luz.



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Mensaje por pablo_33 8/14/2019, 2:51 pm



This message should change your life, it is conditional because as a communication sentence says "the message is in the receiver" that is to say it depends on you, on the paste with which you were made. It is wished that with the best. That will make you make the best decision after knowing all this.  This is like a chemical test... You will be given lectures, guidelines and information so that you can buy the complex that you must understand to achieve something transcendental: your salvation from hell that they want us to enter. 

I remember that when I was a Shaumbra, and belonged to the Internet sect of the Crimson Circle, covertly satanic, directed by Tobias "being 5 dimensional" he insisted and said with the concept: "IF YOU BELIEVE IT WILL BE REAL" and referred to believe in contact with them in order to enter into relation with the 5D. The access key was first: "believe".

Corey Goode, who supposedly is revealing the SECRET SPACE PROGRAM worldwide, said that there he met beings who can create, mentally alternate realities and trap you in them, I have collected a dozen cases where people interact with passageways that disappear, golden flowers that were not found again, tunnels that are no longer in place, equal with entire buildings and even a castle of gold as by which Yogananda walked and his guru was recreated. Which, Corey says, makes one wonder: what is real? Of course because this reality is more or less real than that other alternate reality.

Both he, as well as others, to enter into sinister and immoral SECRET SPACE PROGRAM had to give the ok, believe, and that implausible madness became real, then entry into Alice's wonderland, by naively following white rabbits. Like Neo, Doroti, Donnie Darko and so many others.

Do not follow white rabbits is the first council, do not get into their burrow, do not listen to Trinity, so that no tornado takes you from your reality to a crazy and chaotic land where you will not know how to escape and where you will appreciate the current order of your reality. Don't believe in Extraterrestrials of light, believe in Jesus, the universe is much more predatory than you think, and how easy it is for hunters to catch inepts for their great ingenuity, unforgivable sin. Actually the sin was to reject the light and take the darkness. Everyone's money rules, but man can also be trained and prepared, which is the purpose of this message.

This is why more and more often you see the gray icon with the sign "believe in you" because they say these false prophets: if you believe in someone outside you will unweigh and lose your power. They use this elegant lie to trap souls for themselves. For the death of Jesus, obviously, was a covenant in higher spheres "those who believe will be saved" Jesus by dying, being innocent, gained power over evil, his merciful action generated so much light that gave him power over the hunter demons because they are darkness, what they believe, who love, follow and obey, he will love them and send his beams of light and angels protectors, but not dream of surviving in this jungle and an independent salvation. IMPOSSIBLE. INFRANCHEABLE. IMPOSSIBLE. The zeal of the devil so that no one is saved is infernal and he spares no resources for his objective: That no one is saved. But "daring is ignorance" says the popular phrase and there are the "newerists" repeating "I am God", trying to vibrate high believing in themselves and if one wants to awaken them, they come out terrified and call them heretics and retarded because they feel that one wants to break the spell that they want to enter without seeing that alone, they are putting themselves in the mouth of the wolf.  They are encapsulated in a very well thought trap we must recognize, but nothing is impossible for God...

There is a very good book called Enchanted Universe that says something very original and you will see about ufology and that is that UFOs are something like a phenomenon very similar to the poltergueist, where the victims are suffering their own chaotic mental creations. The author says that by believing in them one gets in frequency to see the UFO "that is there and not there", one is seeing between dimensions and made the opening by believing and hoping to see.  VERY FACTIBLE.

AND IF COREY GOODE AND ALL UFOLOGO ARE RATHER CALLING INSTRUMENTS FOR OTHER UNWARY TO FALL IN THE COUNTRY OF ALICIA? For something very mysterious, where his speech is broken, Corey refuses to be hypnotized to see if his experiences are real or inserted arguing that it is a very invasive therapy ... mmmm!  Will it be the same mind that pilots you that instills in you such a misguided attitude?

A Chilean parapsychologist in the program Así somos said without getting colored, that for the famous contact on July 20 prophesied by Chico Javier, one had to stop believing in God to get into the reality of contact, as well as just as they listen, that is to say "turn off, darken, lose your faith, which is your light, so that they, who are darkness, can approach you". Unbearable the smell of sulfur of this subject.

In 2005 I participated in a very particular forum where many strange things happened called Hermanos Mayores (Big Brothers), once one who was boycotting them from the inside sent me a private message telling me that the owners of the forum organized meetings that degenerated into orgies. And once a guy came out saying "this is serious who is kidnapped by extraterrestrial ships for a mission in a few days" something like that, he insisted that it was not a joke that they should only post indicating "ok" is to say "believe". For an eventual kidnapping in a few days. The truth was that a few days later the site closed with the promise that would be reopened soon thing that never happened until today. If some incauuto was snatched to the land of the nuncajamás we do not know. But there is a very dark legend that says that the thousands of people who inexplicably disappear into the world with alarming numbers are abducted and abducted by ET ships for indoctrination, experiments, to eat or to sacrifice their gods. This is revealed by Goode himself. He says that by revealing too much about the human slave trade that endorses and immorally allows the Secret Space Program is seriously threatened. Reverse psychology? To give it plausibility? While inside they say "bingo"? Perhaps. 

They understand the concept of the "caller" of a bird trap that calls them "tasting" just like Corey, the naïve enters, sees the food, steps on the stick and inside, the door closes. "If you believe it you will see it" Entrance to the bucket. The trap, the cage, that surrounded everything invisibly.  By the way, look at all these movies so similar: Hellraiser, Cube, Cube zero, and others where people for taking a game fall into a maze of traps. In a Hellaiser scene a victim exclaims "it was just a game" the demon exclaims "no, it's a portal" we could add "your sins attracted you and brought you to him". Because it all starts there, individual and collective sins and karma, which if too dense can cause innocent people to fall with sinners and be raptured together to hell. And to all this to say about Carles Tora and his mysterious bucket in Antarctica with messages from Nimrod and lies with short legs...

The devil's kingdom is the kingdom of death, when a matter gets inside a Venezuelan in his satanic ceremonies says the possessed "I am a dead man," the spirit of a disembodied man got into the body of a living man, who lends him the body idiotically draining him the vital energy he needs to live and realize his involuted dream from living to dead. Can one be more stupid? It intermingles life with death. And because of that collective karma so dark and censured by God in the bible they pay good with sinners and the country is like this. In the world something very similar happens with the Ufologists, conspirators, open mind newerists, and the prophets of the fallen angels: the extraterrestrials, because according to Corey they are descendant of the Greek gods, that is to say the abominable desolation. Pagan Gods identified in the Bible as traitorous demons, enemies of humanity who want to usurp our place given by God in his word, Genesis 1:28, and these pseudo prophets, open the door to demons for all mankind to pay together. By idiot, as idiot is Neo, Doroti and Alicia who step on all the sticks that must step and swallow every bottle that says "drink me". And you fall for that if you believe in it. For listening to Trinity. And they fall into the sinister game by believing in the darkness and rejecting the light of the only savior: Jesus. 

Look at this: Matrix, Dark City, The Origin, The End of Eternity, The Agents of Destiny, and others are some fictions where the Holy Spirit seems to reveal to us that there would be something very similar to the Secret Space Program where they would once be. When they finish their work there, they are teleported and return here the same day that they gave birth 20 years earlier, rejuvenated.

And watch out that not only Corey Goode is the revealer but many others like: Marcelo Larin, Laura Eisenhower, granddaughter of the president, Pablo Torres, Randy kramer, Narciso Genobese, Alfred Weber, and Andy Basiago. Candidate to president of Usa 2020 that promises to reveal everything with the serious problem that this indicates because from the most important place in the world wants to open the door to these demons. The government's refusal to talk about the UFO issue has so far been a blessing for humanity.

A Bulgarian had a theophany, was in heaven and saw something that would confirm what the Cern is saying today, he saw that before the throne of God was the fulfillment of his word, the installation of his Kingdom on Earth, but behind the throne was the infinite, ie all the possibilities, ie the parallel world that seeks the Cern. Where do you want to be? In front of or behind the throne of God?  It all depends on your choices as you read this. To be or not to be, that is the question.

The cassiopeans, beings channeled by Laura knigth once advised you "Don't get lost in the matrix". This has the smell of irony because they just dedicate themselves to this, catching and hunting the unwary, uninformed. And that happens when they stop believing in Jesus. Then he said: "I am the light who follows me would not walk in darkness" and Yahweh said: "I am God alone, apart from me there is no salation" great truth to the tests I refer to.

No one knows where he stands, playing blind piggy with sinister interdimensional beings. Only God and Jesus, if you love them, will protect you. Remember the scene of Neo with the cell phone hiding from Smit in the office? it is like that, only that your interlocutor is playing with you so that you fall more deeply into his claws. So that you may fall behind the throne of God.      In the Bible it says that "the world loves darkness more than light" that happens today in this pagan world.   This is the sport of the cosmos that plays with us, they separate in this way, the different satanic families, the "unelected calls" of humanity, they call them with light, then they must trap them with bad arts in their nets. Sinestro, one by one, they do it or they are deceivers or deceived but in none there is truth. But the world hears them because they are of the world. There is only salvation in the Bible, the rest is false light. Wolves with sheepskin. If you don't listen to this, you won't have an excuse in the judgment.

You think you are reading a text from one more subject on the internet but this is very different and what you do after reading this will have statistical power over humanity so be responsible and act from the best of you, kill your ego and let yourself be defeated by the truth, no one can bribe your conscience, you have to be very responsible with the truth if it comes to you. To indicate to heaven that one is worthy of it. If it is not so, it is the unforgivable sin cited by Jesus as "the blasphemy against the holy spirit" to want to be brainless, to go mad of one's own free will. To choose Jesus is to choose mental health, light, seeing, the reason that is the presence of God on earth.

So let's think, if they require a frequency and the devil is the monkey imitator of God, Jesus is just another than the only one where there is salvation, then place yourself frequently with the Lord, both for Him to come to you, and for you to go to Him, for it is 50 /50 "come near that I draw near".

They once told me: "this man, this fantasy and beyond this God" indicating to me the remoteness of God and the pure and innocent but very strong faith of a pure child that one must have to come into contact with God, there is nothing more difficult than to love God and to do it in the right way is an algorithm more and more difficult, one must overcome heretics, atheists, satanists, sorcerers, demons, pagans, but what is impossible for man is not for God,

"Pray as if everything depended on God. Work as if everything depended on you." That's the right attitude. And on seeing a UFO say "VADE RETRO SATANÁS SOY DE DIOS SOY INTOCABLE, AND JESUS MY CHANNEL TO GOD VETE DOES NOT WANT YOU IN MY WORLD". And as that Japanese says "if knowledge is power this will be your superpower" with Jesus we are all supermen because we get into his mystical body and we are protected because he is the only savior, but beware of the false Jesus of the world. Well, except Elijah THAT WAS COMING TODAY THE REST IS 100% TRAP, there are only wolves with sheepskin but where are you Elijah? This coas vindicates Jesus because he said "in the end pure traps" "will make merchandise of you" "the people will not endure the sound doctrine" "multitude of teachers who allude to his ears" "many will come in my name and deceive many" etc. etc. .

In the photo, this will be like a text that is preaching to you, but watching the film is a test that testifies how people react when they access the truth and will have a direct effect that will affect what heaven will do to the rest of humanity according to your reaction. Therefore responsibility is begged, if one reacts the sky will take pity more and more, but if neither one does it "There will be more pity for Sodom and Gomorrah...".

React well brother, remember: I am the good shepherd, your life gives for the sheep.  But the hireling, who is not the shepherd, whose sheep are not his own, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep, and flees, and the wolf snatches them away, and scatters the sheep.  So the hireling flees, because he is a hireling, and does not take care of the sheep. I am the good shepherd; and I know my sheep, and mine own know me. As the Father knows me, and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.  I also have other sheep that are not of this fold; those also it is expedient for me to bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one flock, and one shepherd.  Mine will not follow the voice of a stranger.

Where do you want to be in front of Dio's throne or behind it?

As it was said "it is easier to deceive a person than to prove to him that he was deceived", this is exactly what is said so much that they believe they are awake because they came out of organized religion and follow Swaruu for example, but nothing is impossible for God.

As the title Corey Goode says a very clever trap, but the worst is the intention of Andrew Basiago another informant of the Secret Space Program who wants to be president of the United States and from the most important place of all to reveal everything. Making the whole of humanity indiscriminately enter this sinister game. (Similar problem is with Marcelo Larin and his mistadry with his president Bukele.) Know that the secret space program is out of our time as in 4 D, Basigo said that there many years ago he met or Obama and that it was already known that he would be president. supposedly the antichrist who was not, now it seems that it will be Basiago, who will open the doors to the abyss from where the antichrist comes to earth. God forbid. This coincides with what he has just re

Only in the bible is the light look at this: Swaruu speaks against the new age, Tobias, that sect that I belonged was 100% new age, but Swaruu does and says point by point the same as Tobias, follow the same program: Everything is relative, Do not pay karma, Jesus is pure smoke, you should not believe in anyone but yourself, vibrate high and you will be protected, you are the god responsible for your world, the planet is going to take a quantum leap, there is no sin, be a walker of the worlds. And in both it goes without saying "We are the coolest, the rest are idiots". Typical and classic of any sect to retain you.

See? not only eating Jesus makes us part of Him, but who we eat infiltrates us, that's why his voluminous speeches, Jesus made it with brief gospels, the devil as always is the monkey imitator of God. 

I personally know something alarming: ALL THE NEW IS POSSESSION, I was wanted to possess in that sect one night, but also in metaphysics classes, in a course with a Sufi, and the spirit made me understand that these possessions are shown in different materials such as a video of David Topi where naively revealed by his friend khole, it shows it clearly in a video of Osho where they do the "Ho - ho", or when in Scientology when by errors they make them run around a pool for 6 hours, with the breathing also taking the people in a state of exhaustion such that by the weakened one of the soul allows the entrance of the walkin. This also happens in the healing masses and their falls in rest. And in the evangelistic world I was also made to understand. "Spirituality" is the worst word in the world. They are all traitors of humanity, agents parasitized by soul hunters.

The exit, the escape? The bible with zeal and exclusivity. Its impeccability, its integrity, its transparent honesty, not to be deceived even in the slightest point, zero tolerance with relaxation. Only in this way will you reach the Jesus of the cusp, avoiding the false jesuses of the spiral until the legitimate one. 

The more and more clueless humanity opens the door to the ET, the more horrible raptures will occur, for experiments, cannibalism and sacrifices, then they will impertinently ask "why God allows this?", because this is something much but that Sodom and Gomorrah to the umpteenth power: paganism, abortion, homosexuality, corruption, drugs, porn.

A council wants to escape from a rapture? destroy that possibility in your imagination, do the opposite side of that taught by Jean Garnier. So that what you don't want to destroy doesn't happen to you.

Understand: his famous "high vibration" means "put yourself in exact frequency with us" enters by the correct string of all the strings of the string theory so that you enter our world. Believing in the biblical God is what will protect you from that. That mechanical thing. And with the highest holiness we pay an extra share of the dense collective karma and this will prevent the proliferation of their abductions indiscriminately.

Look at this illustrative: Marcelo Larin's wife told him "Either me or the aliens" he said "the Et" and they split up, but she is now closer to him every day sharing his videos and helping him, and now they say she was abducted by a ship. Once again "By believing it became real" would have been better than staying with her previous attitude.

Remember that here there is light, darkness and false light, all this is false light, false salvation, the good face of the schizophrenic devil but that finally consists of a beautiful mouth into the same hell. 

All the conferences of being, of the new age, of ufology, are all hunters of souls, and all are in the same thing, in competition, hunting souls, when their discourses are incompatible. And they are formally greeted as Corey Goode with Carles Tora and if all are validated all are invalidated all as chantas hunters. All are looking for the weakest to inject his walkin This is the sport of the cosmos that plays with us, they separate in this way, the different satanic families, the "unelected calls" of humanity, they call them with light, then they must trap them with bad arts in their nets. Sinestro, one by one, they do it or they are deceivers or deceived but in none there is truth. But the world hears them because they are of the world. There is only salvation in the Bible, the rest is false light. Wolves with sheepskin. If you don't listen to this, you won't have an excuse in the judgment.

You think you are reading a text from one more subject on the internet but this is very different and what you do after reading this will have statistical power over humanity so be responsible and act from the best of you, kill your ego and let yourself be defeated by the truth, no one can bribe your conscience, you have to be very responsible with the truth if it comes to you. To indicate to heaven that one is worthy of it. If it is not so, it is the unforgivable sin cited by Jesus as "the blasphemy against the holy spirit" to want to be brainless, to go mad of one's own free will. To choose Jesus is to choose mental health, light, seeing, the reason that is the presence of God on earth.

So let's think, if they require a frequency and the devil is the monkey imitator of God, Jesus is just another than the only one where there is salvation, then place yourself frequently with the Lord, both for Him to come to you, and for you to go to Him, for it is 50 /50 "come near that I draw near".

They once told me: "this man, this fantasy and beyond this God" indicating to me the remoteness of God and the pure and innocent but very strong faith of a pure child that one must have to come into contact with God, there is nothing more difficult than to love God and to do it in the right way is an algorithm more and more difficult, one must overcome heretics, atheists, satanists, sorcerers, demons, pagans, but what is impossible for man is not for God,

"Pray as if everything depended on God. Work as if everything depended on you." That's the right attitude. And on seeing a UFO say "VADE RETRO SATANÁS SOY DE DIOS SOY INTOCABLE, AND JESUS MY CHANNEL TO GOD VETE DOES NOT WANT YOU IN MY WORLD". And as that Japanese says "if knowledge is power this will be your superpower" with Jesus we are all supermen because we get into his mystical body and we are protected because he is the only savior, but beware of the false Jesus of the world. Well, except Elijah THAT WAS COMING TODAY THE REST IS 100% TRAP, there are only wolves with sheepskin but where are you Elijah? This coas vindicates Jesus because he said "in the end pure traps" "will make merchandise of you" "the people will not endure the sound doctrine" "multitude of teachers who allude to his ears" "many will come in my name and deceive many" etc. etc. .

In the photo, this will be like a text that is preaching to you, but watching the film is a test that testifies how people react when they access the truth and will have a direct effect that will affect what heaven will do to the rest of humanity according to your reaction. Therefore responsibility is begged, if one reacts the sky will take pity more and more, but if neither one does it "There will be more pity for Sodom and Gomorrah...".

React well brother, remember: I am the good shepherd, your life gives for the sheep.  But the hireling, who is not the shepherd, whose sheep are not his own, sees the wolf coming, and leaves the sheep, and flees, and the wolf snatches them away, and scatters the sheep.  So the hireling flees, because he is a hireling, and does not take care of the sheep. I am the good shepherd; and I know my sheep, and mine own know me. As the Father knows me, and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep.  I also have other sheep that are not of this fold; those also it is expedient for me to bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one flock, and one shepherd.  Mine will not follow the voice of a stranger.

Where do you want to be in front of Dio's throne or behind it?

As it was said "it is easier to deceive a person than to prove to him that he was deceived", this is exactly what is said so much that they believe they are awake because they came out of organized religion and follow Swaruu for example, but nothing is impossible for God.

As the title Corey Goode says a very clever trap, but the worst is the intention of Andrew Basiago another informant of the Secret Space Program who wants to be president of the United States and from the most important place of all to reveal everything. Making the whole of humanity indiscriminately enter this sinister game. (Similar problem is with Marcelo Larin and his mistadry with his president Bukele.) Know that the secret space program is out of our time as in 4 D, Basigo said that there many years ago he met or Obama and that it was already known that he would be president. supposedly the antichrist who was not, now it seems that it will be Basiago, who will open the doors to the abyss from where the antichrist comes to earth. God forbid. This coincides with what he has just re Marcelo Larin reveals that it will not be the Pope who reveals all this to the world, but that it will be done from the government. From here we reject this possibility and explicitly ask that he not run for president because his intention will destroy the planet by taking it to the very gates of Hellraiser hell live and direct to all. The refusal of the governments to the topic Et, went for good. Their silence on the UFO theme was a blessing and God's will not to hesitate. LET US PRAY FOR THIS: NOT BASIGO PRESIDENT OF USA.

Where do you want to be brother? in front of the throne of God or behind. Order or coas? Let us pray against all this in the highest holiness. Paying part of the collective world karma to close these doors to hell by preventing these sinister raptures. We belong to God and gave the paneta to us ET GO HOME, in the word of God states that he gave it to us and that Jesus reigns here and that destiny we want for us and for all humanity because the will of God is undoubtedly the best. No covenant with the galactic fellowship, we will be the door that sinister and deceptive promises. We prefer the light of God and Jesus. Brother to work for the light.



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Fecha de inscripción : 15/08/2012

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