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Mensaje por pablo_33 6/25/2022, 3:52 pm

.SI CREEN QUE JESUS ES DIOS ESTAN BAJO LAS GARRAS DE LUCIFER DISFRASADO DE JESUS ES EL JESUS DEL NOM ILUMAINTI ET. UN ATEO FUE RAPTADO POR ET Y VOLVIO CRISTIANO VAMOS A CREER EN SU JESUS? ES EL FALSO PROFETA QUE HOY REINA EL MUNDO EL JESUS INRI QUE LE PASA TODO EL PODER A LA BESTIA PORQUE ESTAN CUMPLIEND EL PRIMER OBJETVO DEL DIABLO "QUE NADIE AME A DIOS YAHVE" AMEN A JESUS Y DICEN QUE ES DIOS CUANDO EL NO SABE LAS FECHAS... PRIMERO AMA A DIOS EN SEGUNDO LUGAR A JESUS EL VERDADRO ES MAS YAVISTA QUE CRISTIANO Y TODOS USTEDES Y TODO EL MUNDO ESTA EQUIVOCADO.. POR ESO SIGUEN CALENTITOS Y COMODOS EN EL SISTEMA SI FUERAN DE FE PERFECTA EL SISTEMA LOS EXPULSARIA ESE SEA TU BAROMETRO... .MENSAGE A SHAKIRA (y a Mafe Walker, Swaruu, jj Bentiez, Marcelo Larin y todos los ET FRIENDLY) DESDE LA SUCURSAL DEL CIELO CALI LE DECIMOS A LOS EXTRATERRESTRES: ET GO HOME. DIOS YAHVE YA NOS DIO EL PLANETA A NOSOTROS DESDE GENESIS 1.28 Y EN ISAIS 24 DICE EN LOS TIEMPOS FINALES YO CASTIGARE LOS DIOSES EN EL CIELO Y LOS REYES EN LA TIERRA" ES DECIR ET Y ILUMINATIS... SI TENEMOS LAS CUENTAS CLARAS CON DIOS Y NOS ABSTENEMOS DE LOS PECADOS QUE NOS INDUCEN LOS ILUMAINTIS CON SU SEQUITO DE ARTISTAS POROGRAFICOS LE PODEMOS EXIGIR EL CUMPLIMENTO DE LA PALABRA DE DIOS DE APOCALIPSIS 20 DONDE NOS REINA JESUS EN EL NOMBRE DE DIOS. O NADIE ... SABIAN QUE LOS CORP CIRCL LE DAN INFO A LOS DEL CERN SOBRE COMO HACER LAS COSAS PARA ABRIR CORRECTAMENTE LOS PORTALES A ELLOS ACASO ESO NO ES LA MISMA TRAMA QUE CONTACT? CON JODIE FOSTER QUE ESCRIBIO CARL SAGAN.... EN ESA PELI EL TEMA Y MENSAGE ES FINALEMTE SER ATEO.. NO ES UN DETALLLE MENOR.. CREER EN JESUS ES LA LEY UNO DEL JEUGO. POR ESO Y TODO DICEN "SOLO CREE EN TI ASI TE LLENAS DE ENERGIA Y NO TE ALCASAN" Y LOS BOBOS SE LO TRAGAN ENTERITO Y QUEDAN COMO LISTO COMO UN CANAPE PARA LA GARGANA DEL DIABLO... OTRA COSA EL DIABLO EN LA BIBLIA SERA CASTIGADO ETERNAMENTE QUE HAY ENTOCES DE SUS SUBDITOS, ACOLITOS, ESCALVOS LOS ILUMINATIS Y SUS JEFES, LOS ET, PERO HAY UN DETONANTE PARA QUE SU KARMA LOS ALCANSE Y SE CUMPLA EL APOCALIPSS DE JUAN ES NUESTRA SANTIDAD SI ELLOS NOS HACEN PECAR Y NOSOTROS COMO CERDOS FONIRCARIOS SEGUIMOS DROGADOS Y BORRACHOS FONICANDO QUEDARAN IMPUNE PERO EN SANTIDAD DIOS VERA QUE LA HUMANDIAD LE SALIBIEN PORQUE RAZONAN BIEN ENTOCES SI LOS CASTIGARA CON SU JUSTICIA DIVINA. KARMA CERO EN TI !!! SABE QUE CADA VES QUE VES PORNO LE DAS PODER Y CADA VES QUE TE ASERCAS A YAHVE EL KARMA LLEGA A LA CUSPIDE DE LA PIRAMIDE SATANICA ARREPENTIOS QUE LOS JUICIOS HAN LLEGADO LEAN ESTO ET GO HOME O NOS REINA JESUS O NADIE Y DIOS NOS DIO EL PALNETA NOS DESDE EL GENEISIS CON LEALTAD LE PODEMSO EXIGIR A DIOS EL CUMPLIMEINTO DE SU PALABRA. .Hay un texto bastante conocido de los libros de Carlos Castañeda que se llama hombre de conocimiento googlee. Pero... Esto tiene muchas aristas y contradictorias, porque Dios en la biblia prohíbe toda astrología, y magias, y esoterismo ( aunque vi judíos ortodoxos sacando el mal de ojo con actos que parecen magia pagana... ) pero caer en eso es inevitable solo si uno observa , no digo en magia sino en conocer tecnicismos que parecerían mágia, pero potencia nuestra luz en esta guerra contra el mal. No olvidamos MI PUEBLO FALLO POR FALTA DE CONOCIMIENTO. Porque las serpientes picaban a Israel justo cuando criticaban a Dios? Porque eso bajaban sus bibraciones entonces los alcasaba la magia negra que le habian hecho los egipcio para fracase Dios, ven? no sabían ESO que me revelo el cielo, mi pueblo fallo por falta de conocimiento, la letra mata, el espiritu vivifica, pues ella nos cerro esa puerta, y confunde ya desde la caída de Adán y comer del árbol del conocimiento, y por su ignorancia del conocimiento esotérico fracasa en los caminos de Dios. Como la humanidad fracaso y por eso hoy esta asfixiante mente parasitada. Pero como sobreviví tantos años al trabajo de los brujos en la 4 d flotando sobre mi las 25 ha del dia? Con el conocimiento que Dios me hizo entender facticamente, no intelectualmente, pero si captó algo directo de El el ángel si después me puede recordarlo silo olvido pero el no me puede decir nada, es la ley de este juego. Mi gorra esta forrada por dentro con aluminio, tengo pulceras tobilleras collares y anillosvde cobré. Uso botellas de agua bendita. Mis dibujos son fundamental llenan de poder eléctrico a Jesús y sus ángeles. Cuando los hago veo los brujos transpirar la gota gorda. Atrevidos por su ignorancia me sensuraran todo esto. De ahí su fracaso espiritual porque sino se percataron que el mundo esta siendo parasitado muy mal con todos ustedes....y muy sospechosos... Pero volviendo al punto, ustedes nunca presintieron ya la ley mosaica como una ley en 3d para estar en armonía con la 4d. Pues no es otra cosa!!! Y acá me tildan de loco por decir la palabra chacra o vibración. Yo digo siempre seas lo que seas desde artista hasta abogado comerciante lo quecsea si pensas con agudsa en tu profesión siempre caera en la 4 d por empesar a todos los grandes científicos les paso eso y seguro que muchos bebían de la fuente esotéricas como madam blabaski pero no lo podrían desir... Ya ven todas las aristas del tema. Ven está síntesis todo la biblia se sintetiza en amar a Dios y al próximo y justamente al amar se encienden nuestros chacras alma y aura y esa misma luz aleja demonios brujos enfermedades y parásitos astrales pues,son pura obscuridad. Ese puede ser su clik para ir entendiendo la CoSA yo digo tiene mas chance de salvarse en esta guerra un nueva erista cristianizado que un cristiano ortodoxo. Porque tiene mas herramientas y esta mas abierto a las señales de humo de Dios.... Pero no quiero estar tirando perlas a los cerdos aunque también sea una forma de protección. Pero lo escribo por los que puedan despertar y los que vendrán pero mis bendiciones para todos y mi mas potente amor querido hermano soñado...idealizado... hipotético... Porque la falta de amor en el cristianismo es la mas evidente razon de su fracaso y este foro es la mas contundente evidencia. Y porque no un cambio desde hoy? Sin caer en la falsedad obvio pero intentemos amarnos más... Los quiero Juan pero mas amo a Cristo y mas aun a Dios Yahve. Porque no es el nirvana el punto mas alto de la evolución humAna sino amar a Dios con toda integridad sin colar mosquitos y tragarse elefantes por favor... Amor y luz para Todos
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IF YOU BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS GOD YOU ARE IN THE CLUTCHES OF LUCIFER DISGUISED AS JESUS, HE IS THE JESUS OF THE NAME ILUMAINTI ET. AN ATHEIST WAS KIDNAPPED BY ET AND BECAME A CHRISTIAN. ARE WE GOING TO BELIEVE IN HIS JESUS? IT IS THE FALSE PROPHET THAT TODAY REIGNS THE WORLD THE JESUS INRI THAT PASSES ALL THE POWER TO THE BEAST BECAUSE THEY ARE FULFILLING THE FIRST OBJECTIVE OF THE DEVIL "THAT NO ONE LOVE GOD YAHVE" LOVE JESUS AND SAY HE IS GOD WHEN HE DOES NOT KNOW THE DATES.... FIRST LOVE GOD SECOND LOVE JESUS THE TRUTH IS MORE YAHWEH THAN CHRISTIAN AND ALL OF YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG..... THAT IS WHY YOU ARE STILL WARM AND COMFORTABLE IN THE SYSTEM IF YOU WERE OF PERFECT FAITH THE SYSTEM WOULD EXPEL YOU THAT IS YOUR BAROMETER..... MESSAGE TO SHAKIRA (and to Mafe Walker, Swaruu, jj Bentiez, Marcelo Larin and all the ET FRIENDLY) FROM THE CALI HEAVEN BRANCH WE SAY TO THE EXTRATERRESTRIALS: ET GO HOME. GOD YAHVE ALREADY GAVE US THE PLANET TO US SINCE GENESIS 1.28 AND IN ISAIS 24 SAYS IN THE END TIMES I WILL PUNISH THE GODS IN HEAVEN AND THE KINGS ON EARTH" THAT IS TO SAY ET AND ILUMINATIS.... IF WE HAVE CLEAR ACCOUNTS WITH GOD AND WE ABSTAIN FROM THE SINS THAT THE ILLUMINATIS INDUCE US WITH THEIR RETINUE OF POROGRAFIC ARTISTS WE CAN DEMAND THE FULFILLMENT OF THE WORD OF GOD OF APOCALYPSE 20 WHERE JESUS REIGNS IN THE NAME OF GOD. O NOBODY ... DID YOU KNOW THAT THE CORP CIRCL GIVE INFO TO THE CERN ABOUT HOW TO DO THINGS TO OPEN THE PORTALS TO THEM CORRECTLY, ISN'T THAT THE SAME PLOT AS CONTACT? WITH JODIE FOSTER WHO WROTE CARL SAGAN.... IN THAT MOVIE THE THEME AND MESSAGE IS FINALLY TO BE AN ATHEIST.... IT IS NOT A MINOR DETAIL... BELIEVING IN JESUS IS THE LAW ONE OF THE GAME. THAT'S WHY THEY SAY "JUST BELIEVE IN YOU SO YOU FILL YOURSELF WITH ENERGY AND YOU DON'T GET HIT" AND THE FOOLS SWALLOW IT WHOLE AND THEY ARE AS READY AS A CANAPE FOR THE DEVIL'S CLAW.... ANOTHER THING THE DEVIL IN THE BIBLE WILL BE PUNISHED ETERNALLY, WHAT ABOUT HIS MINIONS, ACOLYTES, THE ILLUMINATI AND THEIR CHIEFS, THE ET, BUT THERE IS A TRIGGER FOR THEIR KARMA TO CATCH UP WITH THEM AND THE APOCALYPSE OF JOHN TO BE FULFILLED IS OUR HOLINESS IF THEY MAKE US SIN AND WE AS PIGS CONTINUE TO DO DRUGS AND DRUNKEN PHONIES THEY WILL REMAIN UNPUNISHED BUT IN HOLINESS GOD WILL SEE THAT HUMANKIND WILL BE SAVED BECAUSE THEY REASON WELL THEN HE WILL PUNISH THEM WITH HIS DIVINE JUSTICE. ZERO KARMA ON YOU !!! KNOW THAT EVERY TIME YOU WATCH PORN YOU GIVE HIM POWER AND EVERY TIME YOU APPROACH YAHWEH KARMA REACHES THE TOP OF THE SATANIC PYRAMID REPENTANT THAT THE JUDGMENTS HAVE COME READ THIS ET GO HOME EITHER JESUS REIGNS US OR NO ONE AND GOD GAVE US THE PALNETA WE FROM THE GENEISIS WITH LOYALTY WE CAN DEMAND FROM GOD THE FULFILLMENT OF HIS WORD. There is a well known text from the books of Carlos Castaneda called man of knowledge googlee. But... This has many edges and contradictory, because God in the bible forbids all astrology, and magics, and esotericism (although I saw orthodox Jews removing the evil eye with acts that seem pagan magic ..... ) but falling into that is inevitable only if one observes, I do not say in magic but in knowing technicalities that would seem like magic, but it empowers our light in this war against evil. We do not forget MY PEOPLE FAILED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. Why did the serpents bite Israel just when they criticized God? Because that lowered their bibrations then the black magic that the Egyptians had done to them to fail God, you see? they did not know THAT that heaven revealed to me, my people failed for lack of knowledge, the letter kills, the spirit vivifies, because it closed that door, and confuses since the fall of Adam and eating from the tree of knowledge, and because of their ignorance of esoteric knowledge fails in the ways of God. As humanity failed and that is why today this asphyxiating parasitized mind. But how did I survive so many years to the work of the sorcerers in the 4 d floating over me the 25 ha of the day? With the knowledge that God made me understand factually, not intellectually, but if I grasped something directly from Him the angel can remind me later if I forget but he cannot tell me anything, it is the law of this game. My cap is lined inside with aluminum, I have ankle bracelets, necklaces and copper rings. I use bottles of holy water. My drawings are fundamental fill with electric power to Jesus and his angels. When I make them I see the witches sweat it out. Dared by their ignorance they will feel me all this. Hence your spiritual failure because if you did not realize that the world is being parasitized very badly with all of you ....y very suspicious.... But returning to the point, you never foresaw already the Mosaic law as a law in 3d to be in harmony with the 4d. For it is nothing else!!! And here I am branded as crazy for saying the word chakra or vibration. I always say whatever you are, from artist to lawyer to businessman or whatever, if you think with acuity in your profession, it will always fall in the 4d to begin with, to all of us, it will always fall in the 4d. always whatever you are from artist to lawyer to businessman or whatever if you think about your profession you will always fall in the 4 d for starters all the great scientists went through that and surely many drank from the esoteric source as madam blabaski but could not say it .... You see all the edges of the subject. You see it is synthesized all the bible is synthesized in loving God and the next and just to love our soul and aura chakras are lit and that same light drives away demons, witches, diseases and astral parasites, because they are pure darkness. That can be your click to understand the CoSA I say that a New Christianized Christian has more chance to be saved in this war than an orthodox Christian. Because he has more tools and is more open to God's smoke signals..... But I don't want to be throwing pearls before swine even though it is also a form of protection. But I write it for those who may wake up and those who will come but my blessings to all and my most potent love dear brother dreamed...idealized...hypothetical..... Because the lack of love in Christianity is the most evident reason for its failure and this forum is the most convincing evidence. And why not a change from today? Without falling into the obvious falsehood but let's try to love each other more? I love you Juan but more I love Christ and even more I love God Yahweh. Because nirvana is not the highest point of human evolution but to love God with all integrity without straining mosquitoes and swallowing elephants please... Love and light for all

IF YOU BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS GOD YOU ARE IN THE CLUTCHES OF LUCIFER DISGUISED AS JESUS, HE IS THE JESUS OF THE NAME ILUMAINTI ET. AN ATHEIST WAS KIDNAPPED BY ET AND BECAME A CHRISTIAN. ARE WE GOING TO BELIEVE IN HIS JESUS? IT IS THE FALSE PROPHET THAT TODAY REIGNS THE WORLD THE JESUS INRI THAT PASSES ALL THE POWER TO THE BEAST BECAUSE THEY ARE FULFILLING THE FIRST OBJECTIVE OF THE DEVIL "THAT NO ONE LOVE GOD YAHVE" LOVE JESUS AND SAY HE IS GOD WHEN HE DOES NOT KNOW THE DATES.... FIRST LOVE GOD SECOND LOVE JESUS THE TRUTH IS MORE YAHWEH THAN CHRISTIAN AND ALL OF YOU AND EVERYONE ELSE IS WRONG..... THAT IS WHY YOU ARE STILL WARM AND COMFORTABLE IN THE SYSTEM IF YOU WERE OF PERFECT FAITH THE SYSTEM WOULD EXPEL YOU THAT IS YOUR BAROMETER..... MESSAGE TO SHAKIRA (and to Mafe Walker, Swaruu, jj Bentiez, Marcelo Larin and all the ET FRIENDLY) FROM THE CALI HEAVEN BRANCH WE SAY TO THE EXTRATERRESTRIALS: ET GO HOME. GOD YAHVE ALREADY GAVE US THE PLANET TO US SINCE GENESIS 1.28 AND IN ISAIS 24 SAYS IN THE END TIMES I WILL PUNISH THE GODS IN HEAVEN AND THE KINGS ON EARTH" THAT IS TO SAY ET AND ILUMINATIS.... IF WE HAVE CLEAR ACCOUNTS WITH GOD AND WE ABSTAIN FROM THE SINS THAT THE ILLUMINATIS INDUCE US WITH THEIR RETINUE OF POROGRAFIC ARTISTS WE CAN DEMAND THE FULFILLMENT OF THE WORD OF GOD OF APOCALYPSE 20 WHERE JESUS REIGNS IN THE NAME OF GOD. O NOBODY ... DID YOU KNOW THAT THE CORP CIRCL GIVE INFO TO THE CERN ABOUT HOW TO DO THINGS TO OPEN THE PORTALS TO THEM CORRECTLY, ISN'T THAT THE SAME PLOT AS CONTACT? WITH JODIE FOSTER WHO WROTE CARL SAGAN.... IN THAT MOVIE THE THEME AND MESSAGE IS FINALLY TO BE AN ATHEIST.... IT IS NOT A MINOR DETAIL... BELIEVING IN JESUS IS THE LAW ONE OF THE GAME. THAT'S WHY THEY SAY "JUST BELIEVE IN YOU SO YOU FILL YOURSELF WITH ENERGY AND YOU DON'T GET HIT" AND THE FOOLS SWALLOW IT WHOLE AND THEY ARE AS READY AS A CANAPE FOR THE DEVIL'S CLAW.... ANOTHER THING THE DEVIL IN THE BIBLE WILL BE PUNISHED ETERNALLY, WHAT ABOUT HIS MINIONS, ACOLYTES, THE ILLUMINATI AND THEIR CHIEFS, THE ET, BUT THERE IS A TRIGGER FOR THEIR KARMA TO CATCH UP WITH THEM AND THE APOCALYPSE OF JOHN TO BE FULFILLED IS OUR HOLINESS IF THEY MAKE US SIN AND WE AS PIGS CONTINUE TO DO DRUGS AND DRUNKEN PHONIES THEY WILL REMAIN UNPUNISHED BUT IN HOLINESS GOD WILL SEE THAT HUMANKIND WILL BE SAVED BECAUSE THEY REASON WELL THEN HE WILL PUNISH THEM WITH HIS DIVINE JUSTICE. ZERO KARMA ON YOU !!! KNOW THAT EVERY TIME YOU WATCH PORN YOU GIVE HIM POWER AND EVERY TIME YOU APPROACH YAHWEH KARMA REACHES THE TOP OF THE SATANIC PYRAMID REPENTANT THAT THE JUDGMENTS HAVE COME READ THIS ET GO HOME EITHER JESUS REIGNS US OR NO ONE AND GOD GAVE US THE PALNETA WE FROM THE GENEISIS WITH LOYALTY WE CAN DEMAND FROM GOD THE FULFILLMENT OF HIS WORD. There is a well known text from the books of Carlos Castaneda called man of knowledge googlee. But... This has many edges and contradictory, because God in the bible forbids all astrology, and magics, and esotericism (although I saw orthodox Jews removing the evil eye with acts that seem pagan magic ..... ) but falling into that is inevitable only if one observes, I do not say in magic but in knowing technicalities that would seem like magic, but it empowers our light in this war against evil. We do not forget MY PEOPLE FAILED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. Why did the serpents bite Israel just when they criticized God? Because that lowered their bibrations then the black magic that the Egyptians had done to them to fail God, you see? they did not know THAT that heaven revealed to me, my people failed for lack of knowledge, the letter kills, the spirit vivifies, because it closed that door, and confuses since the fall of Adam and eating from the tree of knowledge, and because of their ignorance of esoteric knowledge fails in the ways of God. As humanity failed and that is why today this asphyxiating parasitized mind. But how did I survive so many years to the work of the sorcerers in the 4 d floating over me the 25 ha of the day? With the knowledge that God made me understand factually, not intellectually, but if I grasped something directly from Him the angel can remind me later if I forget but he cannot tell me anything, it is the law of this game. My cap is lined inside with aluminum, I have ankle bracelets, necklaces and copper rings. I use bottles of holy water. My drawings are fundamental fill with electric power to Jesus and his angels. When I make them I see the witches sweat it out. Dared by their ignorance they will feel me all this. Hence your spiritual failure because if you did not realize that the world is being parasitized very badly with all of you ....y very suspicious.... But returning to the point, you never foresaw already the Mosaic law as a law in 3d to be in harmony with the 4d. For it is nothing else!!! And here I am branded as crazy for saying the word chakra or vibration. I always say whatever you are, from artist to lawyer to businessman or whatever, if you think with acuity in your profession, it will always fall in the 4d to begin with, to all of us, it will always fall in the 4d. always whatever you are from artist to lawyer to businessman or whatever if you think about your profession you will always fall in the 4 d for starters all the great scientists went through that and surely many drank from the esoteric source as madam blabaski but could not say it .... You see all the edges of the subject. You see it is synthesized all the bible is synthesized in loving God and the next and just to love our soul and aura chakras are lit and that same light drives away demons, witches, diseases and astral parasites, because they are pure darkness. That can be your click to understand the CoSA I say that a New Christianized Christian has more chance to be saved in this war than an orthodox Christian. Because he has more tools and is more open to God's smoke signals..... But I don't want to be throwing pearls before swine even though it is also a form of protection. But I write it for those who may wake up and those who will come but my blessings to all and my most potent love dear brother dreamed...idealized...hypothetical..... Because the lack of love in Christianity is the most evident reason for its failure and this forum is the most convincing evidence. And why not a change from today? Without falling into the obvious falsehood but let's try to love each other more? I love you Juan but more I love Christ and even more I love God Yahweh. Because nirvana is not the highest point of human evolution but to love God with all integrity without straining mosquitoes and swallowing elephants please... Love and light for all

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